- Mainly there are A , B and C divisions.
- HBA further divide them into A1, A1 .. B1 , B2 , B3 …. C 1, C2 -….based on the quality of the teams
- 2 weeks prior to the start of the competition, HBA finalising the team divisions.
- As per HBA, they decide the teams based on
No of rep players in a team
Previous divisions played and the results.
Composition of the team ( players ) and their performances
Court space
Various other factors
- From our experience, HBA place new teams in lower divisions.
That’s because they don’t have any data to measure them.
This can result in a very strong team placed in a lower division.
- Further as they say, HBA will not get the divisions 100%.
- SBBA does not know until the schedule is released the rest of the teams that we are playing against.
- Every, season it changes.
- Even SBBA register teams in a particular division, HBA makes the final decision.