Team Registration

  • 4 months prior to the actual season starts, Sydney Blazers (SBBA) receives invitations from Hills Basketball Association ( HBA )  to register teams for the upcoming season.
  • The deadline is about 10 weeks prior to the season.
  • 3 months prior start of the season SBBA sends emails to parents to register the players.
  • Based on the players registered by the deadline, SBBA register teams at HBA.
  • SBBA cannot randomly register teams in higher divisions expecting to recruit players.
  • HBA has imposed financial penalties if we decide to withdraw teams.

SBBA Team Grading

  • SBBA coaches will select the players based on

division the team registered.

Skills of the players

Position the player is playing or can be placed in


  • SBBA updates ( HBA ) the teams registered with the final selection.
  • Mainly there are A , B and C divisions.
  • HBA further divide them into A1, A1 .. B1 , B2 , B3 …. C 1, C2 -….based on the quality of the teams
  • 2 weeks prior to the start of the competition, HBA finalising the team divisions.
  • As per HBA, they decide the teams based on

No of rep players in a team

Previous divisions played and the results.

Composition of the team ( players ) and their performances

Court space

Various other factors

  • From our experience, HBA place new teams in lower divisions.

That’s because they don’t have any data to measure them.

This can result in a very strong team placed in a lower division.

  • Further as they say, HBA will not get the divisions 100%.
  • SBBA does not know until the schedule is released the rest of the teams that we are playing against.
  • Every, season it changes.
  • Even SBBA register teams in a particular division, HBA makes the final decision.   

ITS important to register players by the deadline given to the parents.  But many parents await until season ends to register. This can result in; the team not being assigned the proper division. 


Further many parents would like to see their child playing in high division. Placing them in teams not suitable to them will end up everyone being unhappy at the end.