sydney blazers

OUR story

We've loved every minute of our journey

An Idea is Born

We realised that there are lot of kids who love to join a team to play basketball when we were trying to find kids to replace resigned players.

That motivated us to expand the original single team Blazers as Sydney Blazers to form many other teams with different age groups and to give the senior players an opportunity to coach the younger kids.

With that idea Sydney Blazers was formed in March 2016 and it was a continuous journey from there onwards.

We became official in October 2016 under the name Sydney BLazers Basketball Association Inc registering as a not for profit organisation

Our Vision

To promote peace and harmony within society through participation and engagement with sport.

Our mission is to lead and enable a united system that supports individuals to achieve sporting success.

Our Culture & Objectives

  • Provide quality training to players at an affordable cost to the community with care and compassion.
  • Give the juniors in Sydney a chance to get trained in a safe environment, improve skills and confidence to compete in competitions and tournaments.
  • Build young leaders by giving opportunities to the existing players on the association who display excellent leadership skills
  • Promote motivation and education
  • Get more Australians moving more often through sport
  • Build on the capability of sport to create a robust, connected industry